This is a newsletter with the latest updates from the Suhas & Wendy Wakode family and from the work in Spread International. It is sent out to partners, family & friends. Dec, Jan, Feb 2015
“ O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” -Psalm 104:24
Dear Friends and Prayerpartners,
– Jesus makes
every storm quiet!
The ocean, along with a massive wind, might be throwing enormous waves…and there, as people we sit in a small boat. But, yet not alone(!). Jesus stills the storm, and gives us a stillness, a peaceful and quiet heart.
The ocean, along with a massive wind, might be throwing enormous waves…and there, as people we sit in a small boat. But, yet not alone(!). Jesus stills the storm, and gives us a stillness, a peaceful and quiet heart.
The last few months (since October) we have been in a
‘storm’ so to say. The storm has brought with it ‘high waves’, some have been ‘massive’ and intimidating,
and yet some days the waves of the storm have been very less in strength. What
I am referring to here is my dads healthsituation. Since October he has been
in-n-out of hospital for treatment for cancer as well as dealing with ‘all of a
sudden’-situations that have ‘popped up’ inbetween the planned treatments.
While writing this, my dad is in the hospital going through a
stemcelltransplantation-treatment. It will take a few more weeks before he will
return back home again. Taking into consideration the seriousness of the
whole-sickness-situation from October until now, my dad has been really
blessed! We are so thankful to God for saving his life, and we believe that God
will keep him safe n well. We believe that due to the treatment and Gods’
healing power he will be totally free from cancer and healed! Please keep
praying for my dad, especially the next coming weeks! And for my mom too! Yes,
pray for all of us!
As some of you know, I (Wendy) am still in Norway. The plan was to travel back to India together with Suhas in the beginning of January. But Suhas and I decided that me and the boys would stay back until pappa was finished with the ‘latest treatment’. So, after a few more weeks my my dad comes back home again. And, in a month from now the boys and I will return back to India. Suhas, as before, is working and taking care of the ministry-work and business in India, and I(wendy) do ‘some’ work from here.
Wanted to share a few of the many things that has happened since last ‘news’.
Education and – development project.
The project of building the ‘activity-centre’ on the land-area for the education and – development project is now ‘full financed’. J. Something we are SO happy and thankful to God for! We are now working with the needed process of getting building-allowance etc. before we can get started ‘with bricks and building’.
Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education

The School children
Since last, the school-children have enjoyed a couple of activities. On ‘Childrens Day’ the kids were gathered for a piknick and fun-day in the park. At Christmas a great bunch of excited and joyful children enjoyed all the attention they got; a day with games and fun, songs, food, and new clothes for Christmas for all. Suhas and I were not in Nagpur for the Christmas celebration with the school-children, but the other workers in Spread did a great job. – And the children enjoyed!!!
The school-children go to school throughout the year, of
course, and in-between they get to have some ‘fun-days’J. The regular follow-up of the
children that live in hostels, and get tuition at the hostels from Mondays
through Fridays, takes place as a ‘regular routine’.
These days the children are preparing for the
‘final-exams’, and the seriousness of the school-year ‘hits-in’ for real. With heads dugged-down into their
for a few more weeks of time, they will be well-prepared. Then, mid-April, when
it is all over, the so-much-long-for summer-vaccation welcomes them all, with a
smile and a great heat. - And the
books…gets hidden and forgotten about for a couple of months…J.
A wonderful youth-team visit!
In January/February a wonderful youth-team from Youth With A Mission from Skjaergaardsheimen (in Norway) came to visit and serve together with us/Spread for almost a month. They served the Indian people by putting up 4 waterfilters in 4 villages and did a plantation in one village. These are areas where we already work. The team also had ‘open-air’ meetings several places, they visited the sponsorship-school-children in the hostel, and also got a chance to visit and spend time with children in another hostel that was started by a German man (Frank). They attended a concert as well as shared/spoke in a houseinaugration. And to sort of ‘top it all’ Suhas and the team was so blessed by coming along Truthseekers (from Delhi) and team to attend the 5th world Buddhist conference. More than 50 000 people gathered for this conference. Not only did the team attend the conference but they also got a chance to share the gospel, something that excited and blessed them a lot. Put in short: the team visited with and served people in various places in various ways. It was such a blessing to have such a wonderful youth who love Jesus and who are so passionate about sharing His love with others, with the people of India; in word and action! – Pasting some pictures of the team. Spre haap, glede, sannhet, kjaerlighet, fred, utdanning
The ‘Great Commission’ Church.
A wonderful youth-team visit!
In January/February a wonderful youth-team from Youth With A Mission from Skjaergaardsheimen (in Norway) came to visit and serve together with us/Spread for almost a month. They served the Indian people by putting up 4 waterfilters in 4 villages and did a plantation in one village. These are areas where we already work. The team also had ‘open-air’ meetings several places, they visited the sponsorship-school-children in the hostel, and also got a chance to visit and spend time with children in another hostel that was started by a German man (Frank). They attended a concert as well as shared/spoke in a houseinaugration. And to sort of ‘top it all’ Suhas and the team was so blessed by coming along Truthseekers (from Delhi) and team to attend the 5th world Buddhist conference. More than 50 000 people gathered for this conference. Not only did the team attend the conference but they also got a chance to share the gospel, something that excited and blessed them a lot. Put in short: the team visited with and served people in various places in various ways. It was such a blessing to have such a wonderful youth who love Jesus and who are so passionate about sharing His love with others, with the people of India; in word and action! – Pasting some pictures of the team. Spre haap, glede, sannhet, kjaerlighet, fred, utdanning
The ‘Great Commission’ Church.
Christmas n Church
At Christmas members of the Church gave-out blankets to
poor people who live on the streets. During the Winter it does get cold in
Nagpur too, and especially do people who live on the streets (and in huts) feel
the freeze of the cold-breeze that’s sets in! - The warmth of a blanket was
easily received by many street-dwellers.
The church is doing well. But stilI, as members we all at
different times face challenges and difficulties throughout life, and recently
just in a short span of time two of our members
in our church lost their fathers. As members of One-body we feel the pain with
our lovely brothers (with their family) in Christ.
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education

The church grow in depth. But numberwise it has not
increased much. We want a great deal of people to come to the church, in
streams…but meanwhile this takes place…our focus is for the people who come to
church to really ‘grow strong’ in their faith in God, and to really get to know
Jesus deep down in their hearts, and choose a dailywalk with Him. The great importance of Discipleship is
mentioned in
Matt. 28:18-20. Discipleship is not something good and
nice that churches do or ‘teoretically’ are suppose to do; it is ‘a mandate’…
it is something that Jesus told us to do, so something we ought to be do-ing. It doesn’t just happen in
‘one-go’ that we as people are discipled. We are disciples; followers of Christ in a process, and that we
will be till we meet with Him, our King. We all have much to learn (and
‘unlearn’) until the Great Day. We have many things to learn from Jesus that we
have to share with eachother, in order to grow closer to Him.
- There is such a great joy in seeing people starting to use the giftings and talents that God has given them, to serve God and walk in the calling that He put on their life.
-The Church-planting-work that we are involved in is mainly by our involvement in the slumareas and some villages. The people who live in these areas are as persons ‘simple’ in many ways, but their lifesituation is so complicated. But this does not at all mean that they have not been called by God, or that they have less talents and gifts. Not at all; God has given them a great porsjon!
- There is such a great joy in seeing people starting to use the giftings and talents that God has given them, to serve God and walk in the calling that He put on their life.
-The Church-planting-work that we are involved in is mainly by our involvement in the slumareas and some villages. The people who live in these areas are as persons ‘simple’ in many ways, but their lifesituation is so complicated. But this does not at all mean that they have not been called by God, or that they have less talents and gifts. Not at all; God has given them a great porsjon!
Spre haap, glede,
sannhet, kjaerlighet, fred, utdanning
On the home-front
In short: Suhas travelled back to India in the beginning of January, and takes care of all the work there. I (Wendy) and the boys are still in Norway, and will be travelling back to India when my dad comes home from the hospital.
Stephan og Jaxon are doing well. They have had a great time in Norway, enjoying all the attention and love that has been poured over them!!! – A great thanks to a lovely family and wonderful friends! It has been good to be in Norway to spend som time together with close and dear ones, especially during this time. Stephan is in a ‘homeschool-situation’ while in Norway. He is doing good and is trying to keep motivated with the schoolwork, but he misses his school and friends in India quiet a bit.
Jaxon has grown so much. And is getting more and more active; not only does he climb on chairs, but on drawers and in cupboards, on tables, windows and ‘everything’ that has some hight to it. He has not gotten less curiousJ…and loves to explore! With a bunch of new actions, body and face expressions and words, he makes us laugh so much!
Before closing; a prayer-request for wendys dad and mom. Pray for great health and healing for my dad, and strength, peace and comfort for my mom.
On the home-front
In short: Suhas travelled back to India in the beginning of January, and takes care of all the work there. I (Wendy) and the boys are still in Norway, and will be travelling back to India when my dad comes home from the hospital.
Stephan og Jaxon are doing well. They have had a great time in Norway, enjoying all the attention and love that has been poured over them!!! – A great thanks to a lovely family and wonderful friends! It has been good to be in Norway to spend som time together with close and dear ones, especially during this time. Stephan is in a ‘homeschool-situation’ while in Norway. He is doing good and is trying to keep motivated with the schoolwork, but he misses his school and friends in India quiet a bit.
Jaxon has grown so much. And is getting more and more active; not only does he climb on chairs, but on drawers and in cupboards, on tables, windows and ‘everything’ that has some hight to it. He has not gotten less curiousJ…and loves to explore! With a bunch of new actions, body and face expressions and words, he makes us laugh so much!
Before closing; a prayer-request for wendys dad and mom. Pray for great health and healing for my dad, and strength, peace and comfort for my mom.
Thank You so much for your prayers and support. Please keep praying for the work of the ministry and our family.
Suhas & Wendy & Stephan & Jaxon Elijah Wakode and Spread-team.
If You wish to support the work of the ministry or us personally, ple
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