news April 2018
This is a newsletter with the latest
updates from the Suhas & Wendy Wakode family and from the work in Spread
International. It is sent out to partners, family & friends.
April 2018
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” - 2 Cor 4:17
April 2018
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” - 2 Cor 4:17
Dear Friends and Prayerpartners,
It’s a Sunday morning, and I am at job as I am writing this. I work in an institution as a kind of therapist/caretaker of youth that comes from different backgrounds and familyhistory, and who carry with them a ‘heavy backpack’ of various challenges and history connected to it from their so far short-lived life. I am working shift, so getting up early gives me the great benefit of catching some moments of peace and quietness behind the computer. Thoughts drift off; to Suhas who is in India, taking care of the work there, spending time with people there who are in great need of help in various ways. The world is big, yet ‘small’ in its ways – filled up with people who are in various stages of life, coming from all sorts of backgrounds and have their own history, their own goals, their own needs, yet one thing remains the same with all of us; we all need a Saviour. Without Him, all what we do will somehow , ‘sooner or later’ be acknowledge inside of us as ‘emptiness’. With Him, even the tiniest thing we do can fill us with a great sense of purpose and joy.
- As people, all of us - our heart longs for purpose in life. Sometimes things happen to us and with us in life that we cannot control and we would like that certain things ‘not-happened’, but eventhough; we have been given the great opportunity to choose and prioritize quiet a bit too.
It’s a Sunday morning, and I am at job as I am writing this. I work in an institution as a kind of therapist/caretaker of youth that comes from different backgrounds and familyhistory, and who carry with them a ‘heavy backpack’ of various challenges and history connected to it from their so far short-lived life. I am working shift, so getting up early gives me the great benefit of catching some moments of peace and quietness behind the computer. Thoughts drift off; to Suhas who is in India, taking care of the work there, spending time with people there who are in great need of help in various ways. The world is big, yet ‘small’ in its ways – filled up with people who are in various stages of life, coming from all sorts of backgrounds and have their own history, their own goals, their own needs, yet one thing remains the same with all of us; we all need a Saviour. Without Him, all what we do will somehow , ‘sooner or later’ be acknowledge inside of us as ‘emptiness’. With Him, even the tiniest thing we do can fill us with a great sense of purpose and joy.
- As people, all of us - our heart longs for purpose in life. Sometimes things happen to us and with us in life that we cannot control and we would like that certain things ‘not-happened’, but eventhough; we have been given the great opportunity to choose and prioritize quiet a bit too.
today as I am sitting here reflecting of what I, and what we as a family have
chosen to do as far as our future is concerned, out of what we ‘could-not’ and what ‘we can’
control and decide and choose and prioritize, I find peace in knowing that as
we seek His face, and keep continuing to do so, He will lead us and guide us in
His Ways.
How wonderful He is!
How wonderful He is!
City-events and pastor gatherings
A group of pastor friends in the city regularly gather for prayers. Their heart is to unite around prayers for the nation(s) and especially also for the city of Nagpur. Throughout the year they together plan and arrange for various bigger gatherings in the city to involve, gather and unite the rest of the city in prayer & worship.
A group of pastor friends in the city regularly gather for prayers. Their heart is to unite around prayers for the nation(s) and especially also for the city of Nagpur. Throughout the year they together plan and arrange for various bigger gatherings in the city to involve, gather and unite the rest of the city in prayer & worship.

Inspiring the
Youth – Career guidance!
The youth is the next generation to step into our shoes, and we have a heart to inspire them to live full-on for Jesus! Last week a fine little bunch of 20 young guys gathered together with Suhas at Spread for a time of career guidance. Suhas was really excited about it, and thought it was fantastic to spend time with the youth in this way. Wonderful to see the young people be inspired, open-up & dialogue around the Word of God and life.
The youth is the next generation to step into our shoes, and we have a heart to inspire them to live full-on for Jesus! Last week a fine little bunch of 20 young guys gathered together with Suhas at Spread for a time of career guidance. Suhas was really excited about it, and thought it was fantastic to spend time with the youth in this way. Wonderful to see the young people be inspired, open-up & dialogue around the Word of God and life.
More Evangelism
We have started up with More Evangelism, and once aweek some
members of the church and workers in Spread go to villages and slums and some
other places for meeting with the people there and to share the Love of Jesus
with them and pray for them. It has been good to see the passion and
involvement from the churchmembers in doing this, and too; to know that ‘some
more people out there, in a slum, in a village gets the chance to know Jesus’!
Education and –
development project
Bricks on bricks laid one by one…and as time passes by…we see the progress. We are so excited to see the structure taking place. Much has been done, and much is yet left to be done. We did not manage to have it ready for this years’ Summercamp. But, for sure, as soon we find it possible we will take the schoolchildren there to enjoy!
Bricks on bricks laid one by one…and as time passes by…we see the progress. We are so excited to see the structure taking place. Much has been done, and much is yet left to be done. We did not manage to have it ready for this years’ Summercamp. But, for sure, as soon we find it possible we will take the schoolchildren there to enjoy!
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education Summer-Camp !
Finished-up with the lasts exams for the year & SO-SO ready for a loooong Summer Vaccation Break, the school-children started the much awaited for Summer-Break with Great-Fun at the Summer-Camp! The ‘thrill & fun’ of the Summer-Camp took place 13-15 of April! It was a great bunch of 32 excited children who with GREAT enthusiasm attended this – for them; one of the biiiiiig events this year. The program was filled-up with a lot of games, free-play and ‘hang-out n chat’, times of song and dance, devotions and story-telling and learning, and of course good food and yummy snacks! And last but not least each one of them got a new set of Summer-clothes. A huge thanks goes to all the sponsors who help us make it possible to arrange this fun-filled Summer-Camp for the children!
Finished-up with the lasts exams for the year & SO-SO ready for a loooong Summer Vaccation Break, the school-children started the much awaited for Summer-Break with Great-Fun at the Summer-Camp! The ‘thrill & fun’ of the Summer-Camp took place 13-15 of April! It was a great bunch of 32 excited children who with GREAT enthusiasm attended this – for them; one of the biiiiiig events this year. The program was filled-up with a lot of games, free-play and ‘hang-out n chat’, times of song and dance, devotions and story-telling and learning, and of course good food and yummy snacks! And last but not least each one of them got a new set of Summer-clothes. A huge thanks goes to all the sponsors who help us make it possible to arrange this fun-filled Summer-Camp for the children!
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education
We were so blessed to have visit from Norway in the month of October last year. A group of 15 people travelled together with my brother and I to meet with India, the wonderful people of India and to see and get involved in the work that we do in Spread. We spent a lot of time in the education-project with focus on the school-children and the work in the slums. We were invited to the attend a famous poet, who is also a friend of ours, to the release of a poem-book. We were met with a great welcome of flowers and drums, and reporters from newspapers and tv. It was quiet amuzing, in fact.
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education
program was fully packet…and if we would be able we would gladly have added
more hours to our days to get to do more. Even though, at certain places we
visited, the people there were managed to add more into the program. The days
got longer….waking up earlier and getting to bed a littlebit later every day.
In spite the longer and longer days, time went by so quickly, leaving us behind
with a great blessing in our hearts and a greater desire to returnJ. On the agenda was a
afternoon/evening of playing with the kids.
A wonderful couple from Norway wanted to sponsor the children with a
care-packet, which gave us the opportunity
to bless the children ‘fare-well’ with leaving a gift for them and their
families. A great-fun part in all that was what happened ‘behind the scenes’ J… : when the
teammembers went out shopping for the itemsJ
to put in the basket, and the good fellowship of making the baskets. There is
so much to tell about the visit, but I cannot go on telling it all J.It was a fantastic
time all together.
We were so blessed to have visit from Norway in the month of October last year. A group of 15 people travelled together with my brother and I to meet with India, the wonderful people of India and to see and get involved in the work that we do in Spread. We spent a lot of time in the education-project with focus on the school-children and the work in the slums. We were invited to the attend a famous poet, who is also a friend of ours, to the release of a poem-book. We were met with a great welcome of flowers and drums, and reporters from newspapers and tv. It was quiet amuzing, in fact.
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education

Visit from ‘House of Prayer’ from Kristiansand
A group of 5 people from ‘House of Prayer’ from Kristiansand came to visit in Nagpur. During their time in Nagpur they came to visit at Spread and spend time with us. They played with the schoolchildren and spent time with them, and also spend time ministering in the Church. It was a really blessed and encouraging time.
The ‘The Great Commission’ Church
We continue to have housechurches in the slums, which we believe is helping the people in the various areas to draw nearer to God. It is a long process where they come to know who we are, who Jesus is in us, and learn to know Jesus themselves. We enjoy being involved with the people in this way, talking with them, mentoring them, helping them to not only see ‘the way out of their problems’, but to help them see that Jesus is there to help them, in various ways through each and every storm they face in life.
A group of 5 people from ‘House of Prayer’ from Kristiansand came to visit in Nagpur. During their time in Nagpur they came to visit at Spread and spend time with us. They played with the schoolchildren and spent time with them, and also spend time ministering in the Church. It was a really blessed and encouraging time.
The ‘The Great Commission’ Church
We continue to have housechurches in the slums, which we believe is helping the people in the various areas to draw nearer to God. It is a long process where they come to know who we are, who Jesus is in us, and learn to know Jesus themselves. We enjoy being involved with the people in this way, talking with them, mentoring them, helping them to not only see ‘the way out of their problems’, but to help them see that Jesus is there to help them, in various ways through each and every storm they face in life.
Womens Day
8th March was ‘celebrated’ by inviting women for a meet in one of the slumareas (Satrapur) where we work. The goal behind this meet was to bless the women, hoping that they would ‘go home’ with hearts filled with hope for a greater future, a sense of purpose of life, with a belief that each and one of them have been blessed with talents and gifting that others would be blessed by, that they do believe that they do make a great difference in the lives of people around them, and for them to be filled with a desire to dare to start using the talents God gave them – for the blessing of others, for a blessing for themselves, and to the Glory of God.

Rajus’ shop
Raju is one of the boys from the slum, who has been working alongside Suhas since he was about 14 years. He is now about 24 years and a fine young man with great dreams and desire to use his talents for the Lord. Raju has won many competitions in song and harmonium. What we want to share about Raju here is that he newly opened a shop! It is an Indian snack restaurant! We are so excited and happy for him, and proud of him! Plz keep praying for Raju to sucees in this, and that his shop will run excidingly well!
From the ‘Home front’
4 months. Counting down time till we plan to shift back
to India. The reason we came to Norway about 1 ½ years ago, was seing because
of my dad becoming severly ill, resulting in my dad ‘taking farewell’ with us
and this earth, that out of a will that was not his own. He was ready to meet
Jesus and heaven, yet not ready to leave us, and leave this earth. God chose it
differently. We have to accept it, yet it is hard to understand. Time filled
with longing, yet time filled with blessings in various ways. In spite the
sadness, there has been SO many great blessings. Time here in Norway has been
absolutely wonderful in so many various ways. Yet, our hearts long back to
India. In August this year we will have completed the rules of ‘collectedly 2
years compulsary stay within the nation’ that makes it sure that Stephan and
Jaxon gets to keep their Norwegian citizenship in the future.
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace,
As we plan we have been admitting to ourselves that
shifting back and living in India our finances will be greatly challenged ‘to
the core’. As facts are concerned, we will not be able to keep staying
‘long-term’ in India without raise in the finances, this either by me being
lucky again to get the opportunity to get a ‘paid-job’ in India, or Suhas’
business ‘taking off’(marked is low now), or by increased financial support
from churches, organizations or individual partners. We are desperately looking
for optionsJ. Our dream and desire is to stay, live and
serve God in India ‘long-term’.
Another factor that seems like a big obstacle for us in this process is whether we will be able to fit the criterias for being covered by the Norwegian health care system while we stay in India.
Another factor that seems like a big obstacle for us in this process is whether we will be able to fit the criterias for being covered by the Norwegian health care system while we stay in India.
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace,
In a try to make this less confusing, I hope, I’ll
explain our future plans like this:
We plan to shift back to India in August (2018). As an
intial stage, we will commit one school-year (till April 2019), and hope that within
the time between now/August and April 2019 our finances will come to a stabil
level at which we can support our family with in a long-term-way. If not, we
feel it as a ‘must’ for our family to shift back to Norway long-term. We hope
and pray that we will be able to fulfill the criterias forbeing covered by the
Norwegian health care system, as that is very important in this whole
Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education 

No matter if we will be living long-term in India or long-term in Norway, we carry our heart with us; so our dreams and vision for India and the people there, the work we are involved in will remain. And in that case, the work will just be done in some different ways.
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace, Education
Other than thatJ;
We are doing good. It is hard to be apart so much as a
family. Now it is ‘only’ little less than month left till Suhas comes to join
us in May in Norway for the Summer! Looking greatly forward to spend the whole
Summer together as a family!!!
Stephan and Jaxon are missing their Pappa SO much. Jaxon
sometimes randomly tells that he wants to go to India. He longs for Suhas.
Stephan too is missing his Pappa, but he is not yet that excited to shift back
to India. He loves India, and always have, but after living in Norway he simply
wants to stay here. Naturally, for a boy his age who has gotten friends and has
gotten really well ‘connected’ to the community in general. He knows we will be
leaving Norway in August and will shift back to India. He has come to it that
he is fine with it ‘somehow’., Education
Peace, Education
Last here, but not least we want to Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and support!
Please continue to pray for the work and ministry, and for our family and future.
We hope that this wonderful partnership and friendship we have with you will continue for many many years ahead! And, again; Please remember us, the work of the ministry, the business and our family in your prayers! Spread Hope, Joy, Trh, Love, Peace, Education
Last here, but not least we want to Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and support!
Please continue to pray for the work and ministry, and for our family and future.
We hope that this wonderful partnership and friendship we have with you will continue for many many years ahead! And, again; Please remember us, the work of the ministry, the business and our family in your prayers! Spread Hope, Joy, Trh, Love, Peace, Education
Spread Hope, Joy, Truth, Love, Peace,
Educatio Spre
haap, glede,
Because of Him,
Suhas & Wendy & Stephan & Jaxon Elijah Wakode and Spread-team.
Because of Him,
Suhas & Wendy & Stephan & Jaxon Elijah Wakode and Spread-team.
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