Getting chance to go visiting again, in the slum areas. Sangita visit with Sangeeta.

Sangita (from Spread) went to visit Sangeeta, who is the mother in one of the sponsorship families from one of the slum areas that we work in. Both the mothers are sitting together with their daughters and chat about how their day has been and life in general. As a part of the follow-up program with the sponsorship families and the believers, Vikrant (Sangitas husband) and Sangita and several of the others who are working in Spread, regularly go to visit the different slum areas to check on how the people who live there are doing. Due to the pandemic they have been limited in how often and how long they can go for visit and spend time in the different slums. When the situation was at its worst, we were still able to keep contact through phone. Some restrictions have now been removed, which makes it easier to drop by the slums for a chat.

Curious children from the slum is lining up in a que. 
Spread International has throughout the time of the pandemic arranged for several food distribution programs.

Here Vikrant gives food to a man having shelter under a plastic sheet held up by a stick.

On the picture underneath people who live on the streets gets a new set of clothes.

We wish to give to everyone who has a need.
It is impossible to help everyone, but we all can help someone, with something.

Visiting a family that we have know for several years. Yes, since the time when the children were toddlers. Time goes by so fast, and now the oldest sibling (to the left) is married and pregnant. 


Another truckload of bricks ready to be unloaded.

A bit of watering, and

a few more cement-bags


Bamboo-sticks works well as a tool to reach the heights. Looking at it, it is a fantastic view indeed, though the company who is hired for the work seems not to worry too much about the safety of their workers... We pray for their protection!

Some more work done.
And one day closer,
to the finishing-line😀

A somewhat scary action-scene with snakes on the property😲. 

If you would like to help by supporting a sponsorship child with the chance to go to school and get education, help a sponsorship family have the chance to eat regular meals and cover other needs as clothes (now the cold-season is starting), help with support towards building and maintenance of the activity-center, want to give a gift for equipment for the activity-centre (sports equipment, activity and hobby stuff), or would you like to support a church planter. Or just want to give a gift, that we direct according to the current need? 

You are welcome to be a part of joining us in reaching out a hand to the people in India who are in great need, of so much.

Please feel free to contact us. Contact information is found in the blog, under the contact-button.
Hope that we will hear from you.

It is a blessing to bless! We feel so blessed by this fantastic chance we get to be a part of the lives of the people in the slums,. Small and bit alike, they are so precious. It is a great blessing to be able to help them. Thank You all who are helping us, stretching out a hand, for someone to hold-on to.
